Chicago Photography | A Big Step…

Let me preface this post with the fact that many may find it silly because thousands upon thousands of people take Chicago’s public transit everyday multiple times a day… but I am not one of them. I have always lived in small towns where you need a car to get around and public transportation is anything but convenient. When we moved to Chicago Cosmo used to take the ‘L’ to and from work every single day, we had opposite work schedules and if I took the train to work it would take over an hour which meant I would have to leave at 6AM – no, thank you! Now that my job has changed, I basically drive Cosmo to work everyday and drive everywhere else that I need to go.

However, two weeks ago, I had to bring my car in for some body work (I hit a pole at a gas station – you know, the ones that are there so you don’t hit the actual pump). Apparently when you damage a door and rear fender and bumper it takes over a week to repair. Since I am not yet 25 and didn’t check the rental coverage when filling out my insurance paperwork I opted not to rent a car and to rely on public transportation for the next week. I put on my big girl pants and took the train and the bus everywhere… I took it to sessions, to meet Cosmo, to the apple store several times, downtown, literally EVERYWHERE and it was clear that the CTA was very convenient (most of the time) and almost always cheaper then driving and parking. I was shocked!!! πŸ˜‰ I think I took public transportation by myself more times in that one week then in the entire two years that I lived here. I have turned over a new leaf and taken a big step… even though I have my car back I still take the bus or ‘L’ a few times a week. Here are a few photos from one of my adventures…


  1. Emilia Jane says:

    I’m super proud of you πŸ™‚

  2. Jen Wright says:

    Awesome! Feels so good to conquer a fear. I wish Atlanta had better, safer public transportation.

    P.S. nice shoes πŸ˜‰

  3. Aww- haha! Go ahead big city girl!! Love it! πŸ™‚

  4. admin says:

    Woohoo! Thanks girls =) Emilia, are you proud because I conquered my public transit fear or because I am blogging? LOL!!!

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