The Start of Something Good

As you may know, Cosmo and I are getting married next year and we are super excited (so is Benny because his parents will finally be making it official)! Something about ending this chapter and starting a new one makes us so excited but I want to take you back to the very beginning to when Cosmo and I first met and began our relationship. It all started back in my first summer of college in Santa Barbara when I was 18…

My first summer in college was fun… I mean, who doesn’t have fun while in college! My roommate’s boyfriend, Tom, was from Santa Barbara so we went to all the best local spots. One day, we went to the beach, Santa Claus Ln., with a large group. Cosmo, who was home from culinary school for the summer, was one of Tom’s friends who was there that day. The guys were playing football and I was pretty much immediately smitten with Cosmo’s sweet moves and hot beach bod. We chatted a little bit but, as teenagers do, I had to play a bit too cool and hard to get.


From the summer we met–Cosmo is the one in the striped board shorts!

I dug way back through Facebook and found some pictures from the year we started our adventure together! (Apologies for the poor quality!)

A few days later was Tom’s birthday and he had a pretty big party (at his parents’ house…shhhhhh!). As fate would have it, that good lookin’ fella from the beach named Cosmo just so happened to be there and we flirted all night, played ping-pong, and indulged in some cheap, terrible beer. Most of us ended up staying the night and Cosmo had the fantastic idea to set up some blankets in the backyard under the stars.

Seriously, when I think back and reminisce, it brings back so many memories. We had such a beautiful start to an amazing journey. I mean, meeting on a beach and then spending all night talking and laughing under the stars… I’m pretty sure there is a romantic comedy that starts like that (and if there isn’t, there should be)! We had a great connection and hung out for the rest of the summer, which was unfortunately only about five weeks. He went back to Denver and I suddenly began to realize that I really missed him when he left.


A few days later, I gave him a call and told him I wanted him to come out for my birthday. From there, we talked on the phone everyday until I went out to Denver 2 months later. As things progressed, he finally asked the big question: Will you be my girlfriend? It was at a Halloween party and he was dressed as Quailman (from Doug) and I was a French maid so we were clearly a match made in heaven! We dated long distance for nine months until he moved back to Santa Barbara after graduating. We have continued to let our love grow over time and have made it to where we are today. We had such a picture-perfect start to our relationship and I can’t wait to see how the journey and memories unfold in the future!

jj c






  1. Alaina Bos says:

    You guys are the cutest! Can’t wait for you to tie the knot!!!! Xoxo

  2. […] like my life was over, but looking back now it was the best thing that could have happened to us. We were only 18 when we met, so I think we still needed to do some growing and learning on our […]

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