Point Lobos California Photographer | A Trip Home

It is no secret that the one thing I don’t like about Chicago is the winter. This year was our fourth winter here and it was, without a doubt, the worst one yet! Last month, I was talking to my dad (which I do pretty much everyday) and I was complaining about the weather. All the talk of the bad weather here and the beautiful weather in California led him to suggest I come out for a visit home. I thought about it and I hadn’t actually been home to Santa Cruz for over a year and I could REALLY use some sunshine.


I spent time with family and friends in Santa Cruz and then my dad and I headed downstate to visit my sister and her husband. They live in a little dream town called Carmel; it is ridiculous how beautiful it is. And best of all, they live just a few blocks from the beach! My dad helped me with an amazing photo shoot (which will be featured on the blog next week) and then we watched the sunset over the ocean. I miss the ocean sunsets… and, honestly, I pretty much just miss the SUN in general!


I think one of my favorite parts of my trip was photographing my mom and step-dad at Point Lobos. We walked around and I “forced” them to get close for a few photos. It is so funny how rare it is to have beautiful photos of the ones we love. Yes, yes… we have hundreds of iPhone pictures, but these types of photos are different.


We, of course, had to get some photos of my parents’ cute little pup, Hagrid. He is a mini-poodle they adopted two years ago at the Carmel Poodle Parade… =) Until next time, sweet sunshine!!






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